Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bridesmaid and Groomsman?

Deciding who will be involved in the wedding has been one of our biggest challenges. We started off wanting a smaller wedding party, however we ended up with 5 bridesmaids and 5 groomsman. That’s not to say a wedding party of 10 is large by any means, but it did take us quite some time to make this decision. In the end, I am happy with our choice, although we are changing the traditional rules of bridesmaid and groomsman. We have created what we like to call a “Bridesman” and “Groomsmaid.” To prevent from hurting any of our friends feelings and for our entire family to be involved in the wedding, we have ask my brother Jeffery to be a “Bridesman” and Becky (Mike’s sister in law) to be a “Groomsmaid.” They both happily accepted! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family! Feels good to have this part of the wedding checked off the list! Wedding Party ….CHECK!


Mallory Tudor
Brittany Tudor
Brittany Coss
Kassi Neff
Jeffery Tudor (My brother)


Steve Carroll
Matt Costello
Dan Vergara
Kirk Okenquist
Becky Carroll (Mike’s sister in law)

Jr. Bridesmaid
Natalie Tudor

Flower Girl
Allyson Carroll

♥ ♥