My cat Kitty (yes her name is Kitty) was known to have really bad hairballs and would throw up almost every day. She has a very tender tummy…poor girl! We tried many things to prevent the hairballs such as a special food diet, extra grooming and this Vaseline type substance that’s suppose to help pass the hairball. We finally decided the most obvious solution was to get rid of the hair. So, we took Kitty to get groomed.

Grooming Kitty seemed to be the solution to her hairball problems! No more vomit or hairballs, EVER! We decided to get creative with Kitty’s grooming. We pretty much ask for all her fur to be shaved off. With the exception of her main and paws. Here is the final product! LOL Dont let the flowers in the background throw you off.

Below is a picture of her roaming aroung the car on the ride home. They even put cute little bows in her hair!!

And the bows were scratched off in a matter of minutes!

Below is a picture of her acting like a dog! LOL Can you imagine looking at the car next to you at a stop light and seeing a cat?!

In the winter time she gets a little cold, so we frequently see her all buddled up. :) Yes, she did this on her own! Silly girl!

Thats all for now!
♥ ♥