Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 2 of 31 Things: Morning Routine

I am not a morning person, AT ALL! 

No matter how much sleep I get, I wake in the morning wishing I could go back to sleep for the rest of the day. Now that I am unemployed there really is no rush for me to get up in the morning (which is glorious!). Of course Mike is still on his normal work schedule so I usually get waken by him around 7ish but in and out of sleep until about 9am. 

My routine now-a-days is to be awake no later than 9am, even if that means getting a bowl of cereal and sitting in bed watching Regis & Kelly or cuddling with my little animals. I’ll make the bed, fold some laundry, feed Addie and Kitty, watch the View, treadmill for at 30-45 minutes, take a shower…HUNT FOR A JOB!

But before I was unemployed I didn’t have to be in the office until 8:45am which meant my alarm would go off at 7:30 and I have about 50 minutes to get ready and be out the door by 8:20. First thing I do is brush my teeth and wash my face. Next I turn on Rob Arnie and Dawn, grab my make-up bag, hop on my bed and put on my face!

Putting on make-up while sitting in bed gives me a little bit more time to savor the warm comfy-ness of my soft squishy bed! Also, Rob Arnie and Dawn are a must! Their topics either make me laugh (which I need to get me going in the morning) or make me think (which also gets me going in the morning). Rob Arnie and Dawn are a morning MUST!

Once my make-up is on, it’s time to tackle my hair. I flip my head upside down and blow dry for a few minutes to get all the kinks out. Then I run a curling iron or flat iron through my hair, tease the crap out of the top for that wonderful volume I LOVE and voila! Hair is ready to go!

Next I pick out an outfit. I’m more of a jeans-and- tshirt kind of girl but I work in an office so I have to be a little bit more creative than that. Luckily jeans were aloud so for that I was grateful. By this time it’s almost 8:20 and I really need to light a fire under my behind or I’m going to be late! I put on some Arbonne Shea Butter lotion, of course deodorant, grab my purse and head out the garage. No coffee for me, instead a coke. It’s much more mild than coffee but enough caffeine to perk me up a bit. 

Right now all I have to do is take care of myself in the mornings. I know some day this will all change when the little babes come into the picture. And to be honest, sacrificing my sleep is one of the main reasons why I’m not in a rush to have kiddos. Sleep is a precious thing that I will continue to savor! (probably for only one more year ;-))

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 1 of 31 Things: Jewelry

My favorite piece of jewelry is my wedding ring! This is the first piece of super fancy jewelry I've ever had! Most of my jewelry is a cute necklace or pair of earrings I found at Target.  My wedding ring puts all those other pieces of jewelry to shame, lol! While I love my fun Target jewelry, it doesn’t have the meaning attached to it like my wedding ring.

My wedding ring is so incredibly precious to me! When I look down at it I see my husband and our love. Not to get all lovey-dovey on you but I stinking love my husband! And I love the way he loves me. I love his humor and passion. I love how important his family and friends are to him. I love how playful he is with me. And even though it’s annoying sometimes, I love his sarcasm! But most of all, I love watching him grow and develop into an even better person than he was when we first met.

And when I see my ring I’m reminded of that love. I think of all the years we’ve been together and the ups and downs! Let me tell you, there were a lot of ups and downs. But after all this time, we still have each others back! My ring is a reminder I get to see every day that I have someone who completely knows me, the good, the bad and the ugly, and stills loves me. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My start to 31 things!

A couple of my friends are big bloggers and they started a blogging challenge called 31 Things. Everyday for 31 days you're provided with a simple topic to blog about and along with your words you insert a picture of the topic. I've been wanting to get back into blogging and thought this would be the perfect start! I've also been wanting to improve my writing skills, so here's my chance!

Wish my luck, day 1 of 31 Things is coming shortly!