Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our new crew!

Mike and I experienced a lot of ups and downs during 2012. But one of the biggest ‘ups’ was making new friends with an incredible group of like minded couples. At the end of January, Mike and I decided to attend a young marrieds group at Bayside. Along with our new buds Drew and Ginny, we made a commitment to attend this young marrieds group every Thursday. And so we did! We made so many great connections with so many great people! Who knew there were couples out there just like us!

One of our biggest goals for 2012 was to become more involved with our church and to join a small group. We’d been wanting to join a small group for a long time but we were a little nervous and shy about making it happen. Then the thought of creating our own small group crossed our minds! We’re not perfect Christians, we don’t know every scripture in the bible, we make a lot of mistakes but at the end of the day we are humans simply trying to find truth in a world that seems a little lost.

We felt there must be other young married couples just like us who aren’t perfect and are also looking for the same thing. So again, with our new buds Drew and Ginny, we created our own small group! It started off very small, just us 2 couples. And slowly, through out the year more couples joined. And here we are 1 year later with a group of 6 couples! Amazing!  

We are all growing together in our faith. We are helping each other, learning from each other, challenging each other, teaching each other, and holding each other accountable. We all want the same thing; to live a life of truth and purpose, to make an impact with love and to grow closer to God. We are spoiled rotten to have found each other!

I found this quote that is quite fitting.

“The church is a group of people that live and serve together in such a way that their lives and communities are transformed. What matters is your interactions with the people God has placed in your life. If you are not connected with other Christians, serving and being served, challenging and being challenged, then you are not living as He desires, and the church is not functioning as He intended." -Francis Chan