Sunday, May 30, 2010

A poem for my mom

Where does time fly, good Gosh Whoa Nellie!
Its' the 50th Birthday, for Sabrina Martinelli

On a summer day, she loves to eat melon.
She was raised by her parents, Monte and Helen.

She was a good little girl, no denying that.
Busy with so much, a great cheerleader with her clap!

Her big brother she loves, the road he paved.
To me he is known, as Uncle Dave.

A truly great mother, 3 girls as a test.
Morgan Mallory Brittany, and then there was Jeff.

She raised her family in Roseville, she's not one to boast.
She'd do anything for her family, she loves them the most.

Looking for love, a life time mate.
Then she met John, on a blind date.

Christmas, Thanksgiving, not flustered in the least.
She put out a spread, for 30 to feast.

She's sugar she's sweet, She'll some times use brandy.
She loves it so much, making chocolate covered candy.

Going to the movies, Dot candy by the ton.
Our lovely mother, she's just so much fun!

Let's go to the mall, I need a new top.
She'll never pass up, and opportunity to shop!

What makes my mom smile, so small and so speedy.
The answer is one word, her dog named BeBe.

And all with such humor, such grace and such style.
I tell you my mom, you make us ALL smile!

I pray to God, I feel him hover.
I thank him every day, for such a great mother.

So mom, on this day, your life is our glory.
Happy Birthday dearest mom,
Its and epic...your story!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Carroll Family Photo's

For Christmas we (Steve, Becky, Mike and I) decided to give Bruce and Char (Mike and Steve’s parent) family portraits. Becky found Photography for a Reason on Craig’s List. Denise and her husband take wonderful pictures and they are very reasonably priced! In fact, Mike and I decided to hire them for our wedding!

So, here we are 5 months later! We picked a great weekend! The weather was perfect! We arrived at the park at 10am and took pictured until 12pm. Ally was so adorable and Cooper wasn’t that bad either. This is the first time the Carroll family has taken professional family photo, so it was a special day!

♥ ♥