Thursday, January 3, 2013

Serve Day 2012 Unleashing Compassion in our Community

Time to catch up on my blogging! First on the list, Serve Day 2012!

On October 6th & 7th approximately 10,000 - 12,000 Baysiders volunteered for our first official Serve Day! Bayside organized a total of 130 different serve projects through out the Sacramento area! Church services were canceled at all locations for the entire weekend. Instead of going to church, we were the church!

Some projects required painting, cleaning, gardening, sewing, giving blood, caring for the elderly, donating food/clothes, maintaining school yards and facilities, ministering to inmates and their families etc… We were also able to provide free medical, dental and vision care to those with out coverage. This means Baysiders who were physicians, nurses, dentists, hygienists, and optometrist volunteered their time and skill. Is that not AMAZING?!

Our small group decided to serve together on a project at an affordable housing complex in Sacramento. We hosted a Fall Festival/Carnival! We had popcorn, snow cones, candy, balloons, and prizes! We had several different tables with different games and fun activities. We all worked together to create a safe and fun environment for the kids living in the complex. The tenants were a little slow at first to participate in the fun but by the end of the day everyone was out of their homes, socializing, playing games and just plain having fun!

This experience made a hug impact on Mike and I! It was a wonderful experience we not only shared with each other but with our entire small group. Below are some pictures of us all. 

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. — 1 Peter 4:10"

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